Join the group of tertiary institutions QTI represents

QTI's ten members operate at scale and are focused on quality. We welcome applications from PTEs seeking the collegiality and support of like-minded education professionals.

The benefits of becoming a member of QTI

QTI welcomes membership enquiries from leading private tertiary education providers, who are focused on quality and want to:

Network with business owners and CEOs of other leading tertiary education providers;

Receive high-quality analysis, insights and representation from our Executive Director, Tommy Honey;

Collaborate with other member providers across all levels of your business and share best practice with the best;

Participate directly in decision-making – all members are represented on the Board and all members are able to attend board meetings;

Meet with senior officials and politicians  face to face to discuss key issues and have direct input into government policy decisions;

Benefit from, and contribute to, a collective brand that highlights the contribution that quality private tertiary education makes to New Zealand.

Application process and criteria

Prospective members should express their intent in writing to the Executive Director who then takes their interest to the Board. If the Board is interested in progressing the application, the applicant is invited to make a presentation at the next Board meeting after which the Board confers and advises the applicant of their decision. Minimum criteria for membership are:

Size: At least 50 domestic student EFTS and at least 100 EFTS overall

External Evaluation and Review: At least Category 2 (Highly Confident/Confident)

Educational Performance Indicators: Above the median in at least 2 of the four indicators, including at least one of course completions or qualification completion.

Member Approval: At least 75% of QTI members must approve an application for it to be accepted.